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Support in the fight against vehicle theft

Become a member of the AutoTrace community Support with a contribution

Verify if a car has been reported as stolen anywhere in the world.

Just provide the VIN of the car, and we'll tell you instantly if the car has been reported as stolen.

Which car do you want to check?


Don't have or see your VIN?

Always check before committing to a vehicle!

  • Peace of Mind

    By ensuring that a vehicle is not stolen, you can commit with confidence, whether it's for purchase, rental, or any other transaction, knowing it's a legitimate deal.

  • Legal Protection

    You will avoid owning or dealing with a stolen vehicle, even unknowingly, thus preventing potential legal complications, including criminal charges, fines, or the potential loss of the vehicle.

  • Financial Security

    You'll safeguard the money spent on purchasing and maintaining the vehicle from potential losses that could arise if the vehicle is later found to be stolen and seized.

  • Collective benefits

    You will contribute to deterring car theft and reducing the frequency of vehicle theft, making our world safer for all and keeping insurance premiums lower for every vehicle owner.